
Role of Coaching

Coaching is different from academic advising as it provides multiple layers of holistic support for students pursuing higher education. ADVANCE Academic and Success Coaches guide and encourage the growth and development of each student’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs about their ability succeed in higher education as well as within their chosen field. ADVANCE Academic and Success Coaches will discuss all aspects of a student’s life that impact their academic performance, including but not limited to the following nine focus areas:

  1. School Community 
  2. Effectiveness 
  3. Commitment to graduation 
  4. Career 
  5. Managing commitments
  1. Finances 
  2. Health and support  
  3. Academics
  4. Civic Engagement

Academic and Success Coaches will work closely with campus resources, Academic Advisors, and the student directly to develop plans to enhance and improve a student’s performance and confidence.

Academic Coaching vs. Success Coaching

While you’re at NOVA, your Academic Coach will support you in

  • Choosing a Major/ADVANCE Curricular Pathway
  • Course Selection
  • Milestones
  • Degree Progress and Requirements for your Pathway
  • Goal Setting
  • Holistic Development

When you’re at Mason, your Success Coach will help you with

  • Adjusting to Mason
  • Connecting you to Resources
  • Goal Setting
  • College Success Strategies
  • Holistic Development

As a Mason student, you’ll also have an Academic Advisor to assist you with

  • Registering for Classes
  • Degree Progress and Requirements
  • Adding or Changing Majors, Minors, and Concentrations

ADVANCE Leadership – Coaching

Krystal Wiley, Assistant Director of Success Coaching